Why do you succeed at talking and getting what you want across at certain times but not others?

Week 3 we will consider why knowing how communication between speaker and listener works or falls apart. We will wonder about the barriers that keep it from working right. We will consider how to fix those problems.

So think about this scenario: You want to go to a concert that starts at 9p and is sure to last until at least 12a on a school night. What will you say to your parents? How do you know that they'll let you go? OR, if you are sure it's 'No Way, Jose!' and so you don't bother to ask, then WHY?
And can you change that?

Finally, just how much of your communication is words? How can you tell that you communicate with more than words? What other ways do you communicate?
The word "What."
What is that?
What happened?
What do you believe?
Would you say the word what in different ways depending on who you are talking to and about what you are talking?
What the Ted Talk below. Why? Cause why you say wa

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